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Boards and Commissions

In-Home Supportive Services Governing Board


In-Home Supportive Services Governing Board
Dario Santiago, Executive Director
IHSS Public Authority of Marin
(415) 499-1024

Administered By

IHSS Public Authority of Marin


This Board will serve as the Governing Board of a Public Authority, separate and apart from the County of Marin, whose powers are derived from and consistent with the provisions of Welfare and Institutions Code Section 12301.6, as may be amended from time-to-time. The Public Authority is to provide for the delivery of the In-Home Supportive Services Program (IHSS), subject to all applicable federal and state laws and regulations and the limitations set forth in the adopting ordinance.

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Qualified applicants must reside in Marin County and have familiarity with, or knowledge of, personal assistance services; or reside in a surrounding county and have experience with the population served by the In-Home Supportive Services program in Marin County; No fewer than 50% of the Governing Board must be IHSS consumers.

Term Length

3 years

Number of Members

The Authority Board of the In-Home Supportive Services Authority for the County of Marin shall be composed of at least seven (7) and no more than eleven (11) member appointed by the Board of Supervisors. 50 percent or less of the membership shall be selected at-large. 50 percent or more of the membership shall be individuals who are current or past consumers of personal assistance services paid for through public or private funds or through IHSS.

Reimbursements For Expenses/Per Diem

Time and Day of Meetings

Meetings held on the third Tuesday of the month at 2:30 p.m. (no meetings in February, July and November), at 10 N. San Pedro Road, Suite 1016, San Rafael, CA. Phone 499-1024 for additional information.

How to Apply

Applications may be obtained from the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, Room 329, Administration Building, Marin Civic Center (415-473-7331) or access the Application online.

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